Tim McDonald Needs A Live Liver Donor

By Mike Maddaloni on Wednesday, May 11, 2022 at 07:39 PM with 0 comments

screenshot of TimsLiver.com

Tim McDonald needs a live liver donor, could it be you?

For some of you reading this, this may seem like an odd statement; Mike, I only have one liver, how can I donate it? Let me explain.

When most people think of organ transplantation, they think of an entire organ – a heart, a kidney or even an entire liver. However the liver is a unique organ in that you can actually donate a part of your liver to someone else, and it will grow in them and yours will regrow as well. I learned all about the liver from my volunteering for and support of the American Liver Foundation after I lost my Mom to an autoimmune liver disease. Through this association I met people who themselves were recipients of live liver donations. The stories they told were nothing short of amazing in how just a part of someone else’s liver gave them a new lease on life.

So when I learned Tim is looking for a live liver donor himself, and I myself am not a match, I couldn’t help but share this with as many people as possible through my humble blog. Especially as this humble blog is related to how I know him.

Couldn’t Have Happened to a Nicer Guy

Back in the late 2000’s when social media was in its infancy, there was a large culture of people in Chicago who worked in social media or were simply active in it. This is how I know Tim, as he was one of those people I was connected with. Interestingly we only met a few times, but especially in those early days, that wasn’t a detractor to truly connecting with people.

Now years later, neither of us are in Chicago but we are still connected, albeit not as much as before due to my own choices to quit Facebook and quit Twitter (and Instagram too, but I digress – back to Tim). When I saw his post on LinkedIn, at first glance I didn’t think it was about him himself. When I looked further into it, I was sad but hopeful that he can find a donor.

Tim has created a Web site aptly named TimsLiver.com where you can learn more about him, the specifics of who could be a match as well as the overall process. As this is major surgery that will take time to recover, he is looking for a true angel to make this donation.

Please share his Web site to your friends and networks – there’s a PDF on the site that has all of the details as well.

Thank you for reading and sharing this, and I am praying for you Tim!

This is from The Hot Iron, a journal on business and technology by Mike Maddaloni.

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