My Takeaways From The Exponential Individual Playbook

By Mike Maddaloni on Thursday, June 15, 2023 at 08:03 PM with 0 comments

photo of the back cover of The Exponential Individual Playbook

After I read Exponential Organizations and wrote my takeaways, I found a common theme throughout it that I could sum up with one word – growth. Simply put, by using its described principals and mindset an organization can experience exponential growth.

Based on that book and an organization that formed from it, OpenExO, a cohort of people from around the world, including my friend Eric Patel, formed their own organization centered on people. Exponential Individuals, or ExI, in my humble opinion is also about growth, but not exactly in the same way an organization would grow. An Exponential Individual grows more inward, deeper and outward.

The Exponential Individual Playbook was written by members of ExI and presents its own approach on how to be your best. In addition to the thoughtful advice throughout the book I also had some takeaways, including:

Put the oxygen mask on yourself first – This advice has been something I often tell others, whether on an airplane or not. It meant so much to the Playbook authors that they put it on the back cover. Doing so doesn’t make you selfish, and if anything, it strengthens you so that you can better help yourself and others.

MVS – Standing for Minimum Viable Standard, it was mentioned in the Playbook as the lower end of the range that defines you, with the high end being the ideal or optimal you. I thought this was a unique way of thinking about it – we always think the high-end but forget there is always a low-end that we may be starting from or may fall to. Compare this to MVP, or minimum viable product in the Agile/Scrum world, it is the least of you that you will accept. All things considered, the least in itself may not be all that bad.

Antifragile – This is defined as “representing things that benefit from disorder.” This is another phrase I am keeping in mind as I deal with disorder throughout my days.

Ego vs. We-Go – This reminded me of the expression that a rising tide lifts all boats. This is focus on the collective rather than on just yourself and is a theme throughout the book for making the best you and as a result the best of the world around you.

Eighteen authors – The Playbook was written by 18 different people which in my mind is a feat in itself! Each chapter lists its authors, which can range from 1 to many. To get them to write in a common approach and for each chapter to flow into the next as well as they did is an example in itself of being an Exponential Individual.

The Exponential Individual Playbook is a motivating guide that centers around the “soft” skills and elements of life often we (ok, I) overlook. As you go through the book there are exercises to complete, which I am going to do on a second pass through the book, as it’s good to read it first cover-to-cover. If you’re interested in a holistic approach to making a better you, I recommend the Playbook. Even though my friend is not only one of the authors but a co-founder of ExI as well, I will still give away this paperback copy of the book I bought, as I am expecting an autographed hardcover copy of the book the next time I see him!

This is from The Hot Iron, a journal on business and technology by Mike Maddaloni.

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