My Takeaways From The Bible In A Year Podcast

By Mike Maddaloni on Wednesday, January 24, 2024 at 01:49 PM with 2 comments

photo of The Bible in a Year podcast playing

Of all the books I read in 2023 I actually read them – they were all physical, paper books and none were audiobooks (with no disrespect to those who are in the audiobook business, but I digress). As much as I’m driving the kids to the various activities one might think I’d be into audiobooks. I’m not, as I’m listening to podcast and music while driving. Books are an enjoyable getaway from the mundane and I enjoy the tactile experience.

One book I was planning to read was the Holy Bible. Despite being the good Catholic boy I (think that I) am, I have never actually sat down and read the Bible. I’ve read passages from it when directed to it in my religious education but as a Roman Catholic, we are fed a digested version in our weekly readings and gospels at mass. Shortly into January of last year I learned about The Bible in a Year Podcast. Where I didn’t have a whole lot of information on it I figured I’d give it a try and started with the first episode. I was immediately hooked and I made it through each and every episode.

The Bible in a Year Podcast is hosted by Fr. Mike Schmitz, a priest who serves at the University of Minnesota – Duluth. In each episode he reads from The Great Adventure Catholic Bible, a version of the bible available from Ascension Press, the publisher of the podcast. Each episode includes readings, psalms and verses followed by discussion and interpretation of what Fr. Mike just read. In addition to Fr. Mike, an occasional guest is Jeff Cavins, a lay Bible scholar who is the editor of the Great Adventure Catholic Bible, who provided additional commentary and insight throughout the year.

So can one have takeaways from experiencing the Bible as a podcast?

Heard the source – As I mentioned before, in a Catholic Mass we have readings and a gospel each week and they are taken from the Bible. Going through The Bible in a Year Podcast I actually heard the “raw” Bible, or at least how it has been translated. For example, the Prayer of Aaron, which I learned from my pastor in Boston, comes from the Book of Numbers, Chapter 6.

That’s in the Bible? – It was interesting to hear some of the passages in the Bible. There were a lot of stories and tales that I wouldn’t at face value consider prayers or relevant stories. Then there’s the rather intricate description of the Arc of the Covenant which went into details on its size and materials used to build it, or the Book of Numbers which was just that, full of numbers. The podcast also had a mature audience warning because there are some themes in it that are probably not appropriate for young kids.

Need more priests like Fr. Mike – To say Fr. Mike is enthusiastic and energetic is an understatement. I’ve only met a few priest in my lifetime to have that kind of energy and are not preaching down to you. Many priests are all “fire and brimstone” and leave you with a guilty feeling. Sure Fr. Mike is a younger priest, but I wouldn’t say that’s necessarily the reason as my former priest in Boston, Fr, Joe, was an older priest and was simply amazing. We need more priest like this, and of course I say this realizing there’s a shortage of priests throughout the world because people just don’t take up the vocation.

In the new year, I decided to further my religious study journey by listening to The Catechism in a Year podcast also from Fr. Mike. It’s still early so check back in a year and see if I make it all the way through and my takeaways from it. I may also pick up my own copy of The Great Adventure Catholic Bible and follow The Bible in a Year podcast again in 2025, but this year first.

If you are Catholic or Christian or just curious, I recommend The Bible in a Year Podcast. As it’s still early in 2024 you can go back and start from the beginning and catch up on each episode which vary from about 20 minutes to a half an hour each day. As this is something that I can’t physically pass along to others, I pass this along to you in words and spirits.

This is from The Hot Iron, a journal on business and technology by Mike Maddaloni.

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