My Long-Lost Blogger Blog

By Mike Maddaloni on Thursday, April 25, 2024 at 06:14 AM with 0 comments

screenshot of long-lost Blogger post

Where last December I wrote about celebrating 17 years of blogging apparently this was not exactly the case. According to an email I got from Big Tech behemoth Google shortly thereafter, in actuality I started blogging much earlier in 2006 than I remembered.

The email in question came from Blogger, a blogging platform Google acquired in the early 2000’s. In the message I was told that my inactive blog would soon be shut down. My what? I had no recollection of a blog at Blogger, so I clicked on the link and lo and behold there it was. At this long-abandoned site there were 2 posts both written on January 27, 2006.

What to do?

What was I to do? Should I keep it? Heck, it’s enough to write for one blog these days, forget two. So I decided to let it lapse but captured the 2 posts below, which I am archiving here. Interestingly they are similar to the early posts I wrote here at The Hot Iron in that they were rather short. These were written in the days before what was then called microblogging and later social media, so they were more concise thoughts rather than something in depth.

Welcome back to early 2006... here are those 2 posts – warts and all – for immortality, at least as long as this blog is here.

Just what we need! – Friday, January 27, 2006, 4:30 pm

When the creator of email, Ray Tomlinson, was asked what was the first email message text he sent, he did not remember. Where just across the river from Tomlinson's MIT lab in Cambridge, MA is the site where around 100 years earlier another professor, a guy named Bell, remembered the first words he said over his new invention, the thing we call the telephone.

So in that same spirit I don't think my very first post in my very first blog will be that memorable either. However I hope that my future posts will make up for it!

My money is on scaffolding – Friday, January 27, 2006, 4:54 pm

I live in Chicago. Sorry if I gave too much information. :)

One thing you will notice as you walk through the downtown section of Chicago, known as The Loop... is scaffolding. Sure, there is the amazing architecture, art and design that makes this city the great place that it is. But as you are walking, there it is - scaffolding.

Of course it is a symbol of growth and regeneration, but it is also a pain. As you are walking the sidewalks, there is a tunnel, blocking your view and passageways as you take in the Windy City.

So if you can't beat them, join them! So does anyone know of any any publicly-traded scaffolding companies?

Deconstructing a Long-Lost Blog

Where in one regard my forgotten Blogger blog was digital residue that needed overdue cleanup, in another it was a serendipitous encounter with the past that people don’t often get – the time I learned of a long-lost Shutterfly account was another. Embrace opportunities such as these, for we don’t know what else we have forgotten or if it will ever come back to us.

This is from The Hot Iron, a journal on business and technology by Mike Maddaloni.

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