New And Old Retail Meet Via QR Codes

By Mike Maddaloni on Saturday, April 24, 2010 at 02:44 PM with 1 comments

Walking to the office today something caught my eye that I had to share, as pictured below.

photo of bus Stop ad in Spanish with QR code and Marshall Field’s, Chicago

Across from the former Marshall Field’s department store in Chicago on Washington Street is a bus stop. On that bus stop is an ad in Spanish for Google Android mobile phones. Prominent in the lower right corner of the ad is a QR code. What got my attention was the contrast of the old vs. new retail. The Field’s building, over a century old, with its iconic clock in comparison to the QR code on a non-English ad for a mobile device from a vendor barely over a decade old.

The real question is if these will continue to be 2 completely different retail concepts, or if they will come together as one?

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BusinessMobile TechnologyQR CodesTechnologyThrive • (1) CommentsPermalink


What a wonderful juxtaposition and, at the same, time a glimpse into the future of retail. Retailers that market to a broad segment of customers will be using both new and traditional tools of engagement. As more phones come preloaded with the QR code or tag reader and as retailers provide incentives for consumers to snap the tag, this may become as popular a tool here as it has been in Japan.

Picture of Kathryn Neal Odell Comment by Kathryn Neal Odell
on 04/25/10 at 10:46 PM

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