5 Tips For Those New To Work From Home Due To Coronavirus

By Mike Maddaloni on Sunday, March 15, 2020 at 09:22 AM with 2 comments

photo of Mike’s childhood homeChances are you are reading this from the comfort of your home. With the declaration of Novel Coronavirus or COVID-19 as a pandemic and declarations of emergencies around the globe, many people are working from home for the near-term. For a lot of them, it is the first time they are working from home for a continuous period of time.

Where working from home isn’t a new concept, not everybody does it. Some companies still don’t have work from home policies. For some industries such as manufacturing, working from home isn’t exactly an option. Even for those people whose employers allow working from home, they may do it once or twice a week, but not every day.

If you are new to this – welcome! I have been working from home continuously for almost the last 3 years and have had a home-based office in the past, so on this topic I have some standing.

Where there is all kinds of advice I can give on working from home for extended periods, I offer these 5 tips to help level-set your experience.

Take a shower – This tip is not as much about your hygiene as it is on your daily routine. Most of us have a routine that leads to us leaving for work, and it is best to continue to do so even while working from home. I do this myself, and it helps prepare me for the day. I then don’t have to scramble if I have to leave the home and go someplace to make myself presentable. Plus, the others in your house will thank you for your cleanliness.

Carve out your space – The ideal work from home scenario would have you in an office with a window and a door that locks that is furnished with the proper desk and chair. In reality, you may be hunkered down on the couch or at best your dining room table. In any case, you need to set space that is yours so that you don’t need to move the kids’ art project in order to create that weekly report. One thing I have done is the past is get some storage bins with snap-locking lids, where I can put my office equipment and supplies and then set them aside at the end of the day, protecting them from other elements around the home.

Don’t obsess over household chores – As you are sitting there, slaving away on your computer on your couch, you may notice more things that need to be cleaned in the house. The carpet could use a shampooing, the furniture is dustier than it should be, and what’s up with all of that laundry? I’m not saying to ignore it completely, but keep it in perspective with the job you still have to do. It’s ok to move laundry from the washer to the dryer during the day and fold some clothes during that status meeting you struggle to keep awake for even when in the office.

Move around – A reality of working from home is that you won’t be moving around as much as you used to. Even if you’re not someone who counts steps and takes the elevator to your office, don’t forget the activity getting to and from the office or within the office will be cut drastically. You don’t need exercise equipment to make up for this, even a walk around the block at lunchtime will help you get some of the body movement you are not getting within the house.

You don’t have to like it – Working from home is not for everyone. Here’s a not-so secret I will share: I am not the ideal work from home person. I am an extrovert, and love working in an office and interacting with team mates to solve the technical problems we face on a daily basis. That being said, all I need for my job is Internet access, my smartphone and a Web browser – not even my own computer – and I can get everything I need to get done during the day. I work from home as we moved hundreds of miles from my office for personal reasons, and where I knew there was an element of sacrifice, I have still been productive and interact virtually with my team throughout the day.

There are a myriad of other work from home tips and life hacks out there, and as I started writing this I saw many myself. I welcome your feedback on these, and if they helped you or anyone else you shared with them to get through this new logistical arrangement.

Deconstructing Working From Home

You too may not be the ideal work from home person, and that’s ok. What’s going on in the world with the reaction to this virus, like anything else going on in the world, is constantly changing. For better or for worse, we as humans have to do the same. Sometimes it’s the small things that need adjustment along with the greater for us to adapt and thrive in changes situations. Good luck.

This is from The Hot Iron, a journal on business and technology by Mike Maddaloni.

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