Quantifying How Brands Move You

By Mike Maddaloni on Friday, May 30, 2008 at 08:47 AM with 0 comments

Brand Tags screenshotDo you think about brands? You probably do but don’t realize it. If you are looking for a Starbucks for example, when you see one you know coffee is close at hand. Or maybe you see a sign for the mobile phone provider you just moved away from and you have a negative thought, only to be replaced by a happy one when you see a sign for your new mobile phone provider.

The elements of the brand – the logo and its design, colors and the products and services behind it – are supposed to have an effect on us. But what is that effect? This is the idea behind the Brand Tags project.

Noah Brier, a strategist and one of the 2 people behind likemind, created this Web site with a simple premise – display a brand, and then enter the first word that comes to mind when you see it. These words are the tags that represent people’s thoughts and feeling on a brand.

Anyone can visit the site and try it – you don’t have to be a marketing guru to do so. You can use it anonymously or create a login and track the tags you have entered. Interestingly, I found many of the tags I assigned to a brand tend to repeat themselves. There are many common terms that I have tagged to brand (e.g. old, tasty), and others that are probably unique to me (e.g. cities where I visited the merchant).

Give Brand Tags a try and let me know what you think... besides the fact it can be addictive.

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