Please Resubscribe If You Previously Used Autodiscovery

By Mike Maddaloni on Tuesday, May 01, 2007 at 11:42 AM with 2 comments

RSS feed logo - click to subscribe to The Hot IronI never use the term "under construction" in Web site copy because a Web site truly is always under construction. The same can be said for my blog. Today I have made some small changes which will hopefully make it easier to navigate the site, and may have more in the future.

If you happened to use the autodiscovery feature of the browser to subscribe to the site, could I trouble you to unsubscribe and resubscribe? I ask this as I have changed the feed link to using Feedburner rather than the native link for the feed. This way I can better track readership. If you subscribed by clicking on the icon on the Web page itself under the heading of "Subscribe to the Feed," that has not changed and you don't need to resubscribe.

What is autodiscovery? In the address bar of your browser, to the far right may be the orange icon for a blog/RSS feed. By clicking on it, it will "autodiscover" the link for the feed then subscribe you to the feed in whatever designated feed reader you have selected. This has been a feature in Firefox and is new to IE.

Now that The Hot Iron has been live for four months, I am learning great deal from my own use as well as feedback from readers like you – thank you! And please keep it coming.

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