Is Your Web Site Ready For Its Close-Up?

By Mike Maddaloni on Wednesday, March 07, 2007 at 12:23 PM with 2 comments

Whenever I meet with a new client to talk about delivering a new Web site or enhancements to an existing one, I always talk about who may be visiting it. At the end of the discussion, I always add to the list “anyone” as the reality is that if you have a public Web site, truly anyone can see it.

When people think about viewing a Web site, most of the time the though is that it would be viewed online, using a browser. The next natural way is that it is viewed on a handheld device. But what about TV? Last night, one of my client’s, Foresight Childproofing, was featured on a local Minneapolis TV station relating to a child safety story. At the end of the story they showed the home page of their Web site, You can watch the story here:

So the next time you think of who will be looking at your Web site, realize it could be a couch potato.

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