Is His Business Card Better Than Yours?

By Mike Maddaloni on Thursday, May 07, 2009 at 10:43 AM with 11 comments

Business cards. For some, it is a straightforward decision on their design, layout and information to be presented. For others, it is a process more agonizing than it should be. When I designed my initial cards for Dunkirk Systems, LLC, I was somewhere in the middle, and eventually went with the recommendation of my designer. But over time, you see other cards or people comment on yours, and you agonize once again.

The other day I came across this video, and needless to say it made me think. Watch the video below or view the video on this guy’s business card.

Just like I do not review books, rather identify takeaways from them, I am able to take-away ideas from this guy. A quality business card with style stands out. Do I need to have a die-cut profile of myself on it? My guess most people would agree with me that I should not!

What do you think?

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