Happy Independence Day

By Mike Maddaloni on Saturday, July 05, 2008 at 09:00 AM with 1 comments

US and Chicago flagsAs I was off the grid yesterday, July 4, I would like to wish everybody a belated yet no less Happy Independence Day!

After a relatively quiet day, I got home and caught up on the local news. During the newscast, the anchor said they were conducting a survey asking viewers if they felt they were patriotic. Where this query did not diminish my reflections on the freedoms we have in the US, it was sad this question keeps coming up in the media.

One thought on patriotism that came to me yesterday was what I did on my 18th birthday, many years ago. After having a great breakfast at home from my Mom, I hopped in the car and made 2 stops. First I went to my hometown’s town hall and registered to vote. From there, I went to the post office and registered for the draft. Where both of these actions are vital to being an American, I felt doing these in this order important, especially if I had any feelings or reservations over the draft. Through my active participation in the democracy that is the US, I could help make a difference.

Happy 232nd birthday to the United States of America, and here’s to many, many more.

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