Draft of Dunkirk Systems Environmental Statement

By Mike Maddaloni on Tuesday, November 06, 2007 at 10:48 AM with 0 comments

photo of Mike Maddaloni at Green Festival in ChicagoWhile perusing the "catchall" folder on my PC, I found this photo - it is of me at the Green Festival in Chicago this past spring. At the booth for Co-Op America, they asked people to write down something they do for the environment and have their picture taken with it. I chose the first thing that came to mind, printing on both sides of a sheet of paper.

Seeing this photo caused me to digress a bit from my daily routine and write down other things I consciously do having a positive impact on the environment. As I scrawled them on my white board, categorized and entered them into my content management system, I realized what I had was a draft of the Dunkirk Systems Environmental Statement. As I am working on content for my Web site, this is a logical statement to add.

In the spirit of blogging, I decided to post the draft here and solicit input. Here goes...


  • Use PDF documents and digital signatures rather than paper for contracts, invoices, etc.
  • Power off computers at night
  • Use whiteboard instead of paper
  • Use eFax.com, which delivers faxes as PDF documents, instead of a fax machine
  • Purchased duplexing laser printer to print on 2 sides of paper
  • Minimal inkjet printer use
  • For printing draft documents, use low ink and toner settings
  • Always carry a compact shopping bag or pack
  • Decrease burning of CDs and use Flash or portable hard drives and FTP of Zip files
  • If an in-person meeting is required, walk or take public transportation over taxi and driving


  • Reuse paper – print on both sides or use for scrap
  • Reuse packaging – boxes, padded envelopes
  • Use reusable UPS envelopes for overnight shipping


  • Shred all confidential or personalized documents and recycle
  • Recycle all other paper, cardboard, glass, plastic, etc.
  • Give read books to friends and colleagues
  • Recycled dead UPS (uninterruptible power supply) to vendor for credit towards a new one
  • Return ink cartridges to Staples for recycling (do not refill ink cartridges due to reliability issues)
  • Donate unneeded items to Goodwill


  • Buy recycled products
  • Seek products with minimal packaging
  • Seek out stores and vendors that sell environmentally-friendly products and share my passion for the environment

So what do you think? Did I leave out something obvious? Have a question on something there?

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