Time to Write The Note Cards

By Mike Maddaloni on Monday, November 26, 2007 at 05:10 AM with 1 comments

handwritten note cards from Dunkirk SystemsWelcome back from the Thanksgiving weekend, and hopefully it was a long weekend with some time to recharge your batteries!

On Sunday I worked off a little of the extra stuffing I ate at the gym, and worked to tidy up my email and desk, not to mention catch up on my blog feeds. One of the posts I read was from networking guru Jason Jacobsohn, reiterating his belief in writing personal note cards, especially around the holidays. This is a belief I share with him 1,000%, as when I had my letterhead and envelopes printed for Dunkirk Systems I also had note cards made.

Then I remembered – I hadn’t sent note cards to everyone I met at Tech Cocktail! So I took out a little time in the afternoon and wrote out about a dozen cards, as the accompanying photo shows. I ran out of stamps and will have to pick up some at The UPS Store. It felt good completing this task, and it felt even better reaching out to those I met at the networking event.

Business • (1) CommentsPermalink


Nice job Mike for taking the time to write these cards. Most people never get around to doing this so you will definitely stand out.

Picture of Jason Jacobsohn Comment by Jason Jacobsohn
on 11/26/07 at 10:53 PM

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