QR Code Buried On Outdoor Signage

By Mike Maddaloni on Thursday, April 07, 2011 at 05:05 PM with 1 comments

QR codes are not afraid of heights. Despite this, they still tend to be placed in obscure places, and in this place, mere inches from the ground.

The following sign was up for the month of September last year in Chicago’s Millennium Park.

photo of QR code on event sign in Millennium Park, Chicago

From a distance, you can barely see the QR code at the bottom right of the sign. I saw it, but I digress. Here’s a closer shot of the sign.

photo of QR code on detailed event sign in Millennium Park, Chicago

I was able to get a closer shot, but I had to squat down to take the picture.

photo of QR code detail on event sign in Millennium Park, Chicago

The code did work at the time, but it brings up an error, now several months later.

Where it’s always nice to see a QR code in action, why implement one so poorly? The position so low to the ground makes it less likely to see, let alone scan. If you do scan it, you’d have to squat down or have to bend over in an awkward position. The description accompanying the code could be made much clearer and concise. I also encountered issues scanning the code as the protective clear plastic over the poster caused a reflection and didn’t allow me to quickly scan the code.

How could this have been improved? By simply moving it from the bottom right to the top right would have helped adoption. This would have positioned it at just above waist level, that is for someone like myself just under 6 feet. Making the accompanying text clearer may have helped as well, or simply having it say, “scan here or visit explorechicago.org” would have been all that was needed.

So, would you have even bothered to have scanned a code in such a location? Share that or any other thoughts in the comments of this post.

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This is from The Hot Iron, a journal on business and technology by Mike Maddaloni, Founder and President of Web consulting firm Dunkirk Systems, LLC.

BuildMobile TechnologyQR CodesQR Codes In Action • (1) CommentsPermalink


No way, no how. QR codes do not work for everything. It should enable you to take some type of action in the next medium it sends you to.

Picture of Victor Comment by Victor
on 04/29/11 at 01:14 PM

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