Live Domain Name Auction at DOMAINfest

By Mike Maddaloni on Monday, January 28, 2008 at 05:00 AM with 1 comments

DOMAINfest logoAt the DOMAINfest conference last week there were 2 live domain name auctions. Professional auctioneers took bids from the audience at the conference anf from those registered and bidding online. It was an interesting experience, especially as the last time I saw a live auction it was for farm equipment!.

Below is a video I took of the auction of from day 1, which sold for US$3,500.00. Domain Name News has the complete list of domain names from day 1 and day 2 and what the sold for and which ones did not receive a minimum bid.

If you cannot see the embedded video, you can link to it directly on YouTube.

Domain Names • (1) CommentsPermalink


Back in December, I was at the Moniker domain name auction at Pubcon, and was surprised how few names met their minimum bid. Seems like this one went a little better, but a lot still got left on the auction block. I wonder if that’s a sign of overspeculation in the market?

Picture of Dr. Pete Comment by Dr. Pete
on 01/28/08 at 10:22 AM

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