Happy Halloween

By Mike Maddaloni on Saturday, October 31, 2009 at 06:00 AM with 2 comments

Happy Halloween! Today is the day where people dress up and go door-to-door asking people for candy, else they play a trick on them. And some of these people are even children.

photo of carved pumpkin at Bengston’s Pumpkin Farm

Halloween means different things to different people. Some people do Halloween big, like my friend Chris who lives in Salem, Massachusetts, the home of the historic Salem witch trials. Others like the camaderie of dressing up their kids and having them roam the neighborhoods and guess who the other kids are. Some don’t celebrate it at all, as it technically is the eve before All Saints Day, a religious day of obligation. And some find a happy medium and call it Orange and Black day.

For myself and my family, it has new meaning as we have an infant daughter. Last year we dressed her as a pumpkin, this year a bumble bee. We also took her the last 2 years to Bengston’s, a pumpkin farm in suburban Chicago. This is where I took the photo above of the face carved in a large pumpkin by someone who is a pumpkin artist. Who knew?

Only 2 more months left in the year. Boo!

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Diversions • (2) CommentsPermalink


SO! While at Bingston, did you watch the pig races? One of my favorite things there…

I always root for Tammy Swine-ette…

Picture of Donaldson Comment by Donaldson
on 10/31/09 at 06:28 AM

@Donaldson - There’s nothing like eating a pork sandwich and watching the pig races!

So what are you going as for Halloween?

Picture of Mike Maddaloni Comment by Mike Maddaloni
on 10/31/09 at 11:37 AM

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