Guerilla Nametags

By Mike Maddaloni on Wednesday, February 21, 2007 at 07:51 AM with 2 comments

As I am writing this post, my printer is hard at work cranking out nametags for the Breakfast Network Club. The BNC is a networking organization in Chicago that has morphed from meetings in the morning (thus the name) to holding specialized meetings by industry and discipline. I have been involved with the group for about a year and through it have made many networking connections.

I saw an opportunity to help with providing nametags as the group, like many of the entrepreneurs who attend the meetings, runs a tight ship. Each nametag features the BNC logo at the top and "nametag powered by Dunkirk Systems @" at the bottom, with my logo in the place of my company name. The cost of the nametags is minimal – a box of mailing labels and the ink to print on them.

Is my phone ringing off the hook as a result? No. But that is not why I am doing it. My goal for sponsoring the nametags is name recognition in the Chicago market and goodwill from giving a little bit back to a worthy group. The president of the BNC, David Carman, also makes a point to introduce me when I am at a meeting and thanks me for making the nametags. But if the phone does ring from someone who saw my name on the nametag they wore back to the office after a meeting, all the better.

Business • (2) CommentsPermalink


Yes! Another great use for nametags! That’s really cool that the president would introuduce you as the one behind the nametags. Now whenever someone else that met you last night saw those nametags, they thought of you and your company. YES!

On a unrelated side note that is actually kinda related, have you heard of My Name is Scott, the guy who wears a nametag EVERY day with name? He’s taken that act into a whole new level giving professional talks and books about approachability.

Picture of spudart Comment by spudart
on 03/13/07 at 10:45 PM

Thanks for the info on Scott!  If I see someone wandering around the streets of Chicago with a nametag on, I usually think it’s a lost conventioneer… but it’s a great icebreaker and people will surely remember you.


Picture of Mike Maddaloni Comment by Mike Maddaloni
on 03/14/07 at 09:57 AM

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