An Interactive Guy At A Crossroads

By Mike Maddaloni on Tuesday, July 19, 2011 at 06:00 AM with 14 comments

photo of a crossroads

I've always been an interactive guy. With crowds, as a DJ and improv performer. With causes, raising money and awareness for non-profits such as the fight against liver disease. With customers, as a Web strategist and developer.

Interaction defines me, and now it’s leading me down a new professional path.

In recent years, my professional interaction has meant building Web sites and Web applications strategically integrated with marketing, sales, HR and other key functions. Through my Web business, advising corporations to small businesses as a Web consultant fulfills a lifelong goal. And it provides incredible insight into different businesses – where I listen, collaborate, help think through strategic implications and costs, and ultimately, build some pretty tough sites.

Consulting independently has been nothing short of amazing. Where I have always worked with some equally amazing people on a project basis, it has not been a full-time practice. The interactive side of me is pushing me toward a new path of engaging again directly with a team. After much soul-searching, I’ve decided to seek a partner for my current business, or to take on a new professional role with an established firm.

At this point, I’m open to where talent, experience and any interesting opportunities may lead. My LinkedIn profile sums up my tenure as a manager, director and consultant – delivering Web solutions across development technologies, taking a big picture approach with comprehensive understanding of all aspects from strategy to building sites to the ensuring sites thrive with analytics, SEO, SEM and social media.

As usual here on The Hot Iron, and on such weighty matters, I’m first interacting with you. What kinds of experiences do you have with shifts in your career path – corporate, startup, independent consulting or other scenarios? Do you have suggestions or perhaps an opportunity for an interactive guy like me? I would love to hear your voice in this conversation that I’ve only mulled about on my own (and with my lovely wife) in recent months.

Editor's Note: This post was edited to remove and replace broken links.

This is from The Hot Iron, a journal on business and technology by Mike Maddaloni.

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AnnouncementsBusinessStrategizeTechnologyThrive • (14) CommentsPermalink


Good luck with the new direction that you are seeking.  I have found that it is best to talk about it to other people, seek out individuals in same/similar fields and organizations that you want to become part of and use your network that you have built up over the years. Keep us posted.

Picture of Mary Sara Comment by Mary Sara
on 07/19/11 at 12:13 PM

Thanks Mary Sara - you have always been a great cheerleader!  Please pass this along to any folks you may know who is or could be looking for someone like me!


Picture of Mike Maddaloni Comment by Mike Maddaloni
on 07/19/11 at 01:59 PM

Exciting news, Mike. Coming from the tech industry, you are that rare breed of tech and strategy know-how for different industries and biz sizes, and that will certainly work to your advantage in the job market. I’m going to connect you with a few folks in coming weeks. Good luck and we’ll look forward to your next chapter!

Picture of Prof Hansen Comment by Prof Hansen
on 07/22/11 at 05:16 PM

Thanks Prof. Hansen - both for the kind words and offer for introductions.  Your words of encouragement will go far in my quest!


Picture of Mike Maddaloni Comment by Mike Maddaloni
on 07/23/11 at 09:44 AM

I fully support your decision. You are a truly talented person that has a lot to offer.  I suggest that you continue networking with others to find new synergies.

I have enjoyed reading your blog and ideas. Your writing shows that you have great depth.

I look forward to hearing about your new phase. I am sure that you will find that perfect opportunity since you are now open to new things. They say when the student is ready the teacher appears. This also is very true about new opportunities.

All the Best!!! Your readers have much faith in you..

Picture of JSallette Comment by JSallette
on 07/27/11 at 10:35 AM

Thanks for the encouraging words JSallette! I am remaining optimistic as I re-connect with the many in my network.  And I am glad you enjoy the blog too!


Picture of Mike Maddaloni Comment by Mike Maddaloni
on 07/27/11 at 02:47 PM

Hello Mike
This is exciting news for you and your family! I would love to hear more! What would happen to Dunkirk Systems? Would you pursue more fun stuff, like stand up? Well, wishing you the best. I know I’ve been “here” before! Thinking of you and hope to catch up more soon!

Picture of Kelly Wissolik Comment by Kelly Wissolik
on 08/03/11 at 08:11 AM

Thanks Kelly!  I doubt you would see me full-time doing comedy, although I have made money from it, like $100 over 3 years.


Picture of Mike Maddaloni Comment by Mike Maddaloni
on 08/03/11 at 10:50 AM


I’ve had to reinvent myself every few years throughout my career. Although this was a matter of pure necessity, it has also made my work life very interesting, and kept my spirits up even when things weren’t so hot. In my last couple of transitions, self-promotion has helped a lot.

When we’ve talked in person, you’ve always had a lot of useful information to share, particularly about good practices in web development. May I suggest that you plug yourself by getting that great information in places where more people will see it? You’ve already got quite a body of written material here in your blog, where it is seen by people who already appreciate your charm and beauty. Why not take some of that stuff and rehash it as guest posts to other popular blogs, e-books, maybe even get something in print? With your technical knowledge and excellent writing skills, I’m sure you could expand your good reputation to a wider audience.

Picture of Meta S. Brown Comment by Meta S. Brown
on 08/14/11 at 09:06 PM

Thanks Meta!  It’s nice to hear I am not the only one going thru this stage in my career/life, and from someone as yourself who has thrived at each phase!

Thanks for the tips on content and advice - I have recently written one guest post, but have not sought it out, and I will.


Picture of Mike Maddaloni Comment by Mike Maddaloni
on 08/15/11 at 01:39 PM


Good luck on your new direction. Please let me know if there’s anything I can do to help!


Picture of Justin Chen Comment by Justin Chen
on 12/17/11 at 02:52 PM

Thanks Justin - will be in touch soon!  :)


Picture of Mike Maddaloni Comment by Mike Maddaloni
on 12/19/11 at 08:06 AM

You are one of the hardest working people I know. How many twenty-somethings would commute to Kentucky all those years you did?

With your expert knowledge, work ethic, charm and sense of humor I know you will do something amazing for your next adventure!

Best of luck!

Picture of Sarah Comment by Sarah
on 12/19/11 at 10:06 PM

@Sarah - Thanks for the kind words of encouragement!


Picture of Mike Maddaloni Comment by Mike Maddaloni
on 12/21/11 at 04:21 PM

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